Using Google Docs to Create Project Proposals and Lesson Plans
A great place to start with Google Docs is the templates. The template gallery holds many templates you can utilise, in this example, we are looking at Lesson Plans and Project Proposals.
Step 1 - Click the 'New' menu and hover on Google Docs to click through to the 'From a template' option.

Step 2 - Scroll through the 'General' section of the Template gallery. Here you will see options for creating school lesson plans, reports, letters, project proposals, and more.

Step 3 - Below we have selected one of the Project Proposal templates and it has created a copy for us to use. We can edit this to match our business style and colours. It is a great starting point if you are unfamiliar with Google Docs. Don't forget you can use Gemini to enhance your document and add content.

Step 4 - If you alter a template or create a branded template upload it to the template gallery, this will sit in your organisation's section in the template gallery and will save you time when creating documents.
In the Template Gallery click the 'Submit template' option in the top right. Select your template and give it a category then click 'Submit'.

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