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How to set up a Google Calendar for your team or project

When working on a project or as a team it can be useful to set up a specific calendar that you can share access to.

Here is how to create a calendar and share it with colleagues.

Step 1. Create a new Google Calendar

To create a new calendar go to the left-hand side and select the + next to ‘Other calendars’.

Step 2. Name the calendar

Add an optional description and check the timezone and then select ‘Create calendar’.

Step 3. Back in the calendar home screen

The new calendar will be listed under ‘My Calendars’.

Step 4. To customise and share it with colleagues

Hover over the calendar in the list and select the 3 dots (more).

Step 5. Settings and Sharing

Select ‘Settings & sharing’. On the next page, you can share with colleagues so they can make changes or manage the calendar. To share with colleagues, use the ‘Share with specific people or groups’ section.


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